Breakfast: Monday-Saturday 8-11 AM
Sunday Brunch: 8-1 PM
Dinner: Tuesday-Saturday 5-8 PM
To our valued guests, new and returning:
Many moons ago, a burned-out executive walked away from a corner office in NYC to make a life on Hatteras Island, the first place he’d ever felt home. The transition his new home had made from a remote fishing village to a tourist destination created an opportunity for some while others saw traditional jobs that had fed their families disappear, replaced by seasonal employment and housing they could no longer afford. Telecommuting his first three years, he explored one idea after another. None fit the bill to positively impact his community, to create year-round full-time jobs with benefits and living wages.
Returning home from Norfolk airport after a trip to his NYC office in the wee morning hours, musing on the B&Bs and boutique hotels he’d enjoyed in his corporate travels, a lightbulb came on. Could an upscale boutique hotel attract new visitors to this remote, wild, and beautiful place? Could the guests attracted to such a place support the kinds of real jobs they do in so many other destinations?
That burned-out refugee from the corporate world was me. That 2 AM “if you build it, they will come” moment two decades past became The Inn on Pamlico Sound. Those year-round jobs with benefits became a reality as Natasha Quidley, Meredith Harris, and Melissa Anderson helped build the team that earned us top rankings as hotel, restaurant, and event venue, and wide coverage in the national and international press.
As we enter 2024 to celebrate our 20th anniversary, how do we thank guests who come back to us each year, write the reviews that establish our reputation, and send their friends to us with glowing recommendations? How do we honor the couples who entrusted their weddings to us and come back each year to celebrate anniversaries? According to Tasha, Meredith, and Melissa, we do so by having the biggest, best, blowout of an anniversary celebration year imaginable!
To begin, celebrate two decades of The Inn on Pamlico Sound’s coastal charm and join us for our 20th Anniversary Open House! Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 27th, 2024, from 4-6 PM, and get ready for an evening brimming with live music and:
So please join us for a year of special events, exclusive offers, and delightful surprises. We can’t wait to raise a glass with you as we toast 20 years of memories and look forward to creating many more!
With heartfelt gratitude,
Steve Nelson, Owner & CEO
The Inn on Pamlico Sound & Cafe Pamlico